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dreamer said:   Re:What To Look For Monday?   2010-12-30 22:49:16
now, we need to see how the team perform on the road.
sschweiger said:   What To Look For Monday?   2010-12-25 7:5:35
Although it's only one game, I think Monday's UConn game might give us an idea of what the Panthers are all about this year! Watch the rebounding! If Pitt REALLY DOMINATES, and the scorers have a reasonably good game, PITT should win, despite Walker's points...and that should be Pitt's MO the entire year! If UConn's rebounding matches Pitt's, than Pitt can easily lose a close game -- substitute the good BE teams, and players such as Freeman & Fisher, and you have Pitt struggling in too many close games to go far into March!
USN585 said:   Beast??   2010-3-19 17:26:57
I guess the seedings weren't so skewed after all. Including NIT, BE was 3 and 6 for their first 9 games and probably should have been 2 and 7. I expected WV & Pitt to be the best BE teams in the tourney and today is a good start. said:   Dixie Dick hurts Pitt   2010-3-6 20:2:15
Tired of the southern power conferences hurting the BE and particularly Pitt. It appears that the ACC is trying very hard to undermine the credibility of the NCAA by toying with the seeding of our teams and thus ensuring that the best BE teams meet in elite 8 as opposed to in final four or finals. The games that are played can usually be explained as geographical or some other nonsense but I wonder if Duke and NC if in top 10 would ever be placed for an elite 8 match up? Tired of media looking the other way to keep the peace so that the football dollars are secured for ESPN? The marriage of Dixie Dick and Bristol Conn. is one that hurts the BE. BE needs to broker a deal with CBS for the TV rights and allow the BE network to carry all BE games. The national exposure on Sat. and Sundays is better then having to deal with ESPN! Tired of ESPN selling out our conference for their own ends while BE gets hurt in football. ACC, Big 12 and SEC usually vote as a block and this seems to me to be collusion and if ESPN would cover that story, perhaps a playoff scenario in football would be the end result. Now the Dixie Dick wants to destroy the NCAA tournament by allowing 96 teams are you kidding me what a joke1
BiffMgriff said:   Re:can anyone beat panthers?   2010-2-24 13:35:45
First of all I'm a huge Pitt fan and have watched everyone of their televised games and I live about 30 miles north of Pittsburgh, but they are not a powerhouse team and will not reach the final four this year.

Like most other Pitt teams in the past decade Pitt plays to their competition whether good or bad. Pitt is a good team and has definitly overrachieved this year, most in part of Dixon's off the court coaching to get these guys to play as a team.

If Pitt shoots the ball well (especially from behind the arc) they could beat any team on any given night. The problem with Pitt is that can't handle being the favorite. More often than not they struggle after coming off a big win except the 3OT win at home against WVU, but there next game was almost a week later so it gave them time to prepare.

I can't see Pitt really doing any damage in the Big East tourney, since they will probably be getting a bye and be favored to win there first game. As far as the ncaa tourney, I'd say the sweet sixteen is the max for the panthers. They seem to struggle in tourney(even last year, remember their first round game as a #1 seed) even though they were a layup away from going to the final four.

In all honest Jamie Dixon is a good players coach, but when it come to game time and on court decisions he can very easily be out coached.
ncaasucks said:   can anyone beat panthers?   2009-1-4 20:9:3
the answer is no!
gousa said:   Weak Schedule?    2006-1-3 10:47:44
Lots of people talked about the weak schedule we had this year. Hey! We're in # 5 now...
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